Friday, October 30, 2009

Spring on Rocky Hill?

Polly came home to a wonderful surprise: spring is on its way!

Every year, when the temperature drops and the first precious drops of rain fall (we've had more than 1/2 inch in October!), the brittle golden fields are taken over by tiny shoots of next year's grasses. At first you barely notice it, unless the pasture is grazed clean, but soon dried stalks are pushed away to make way for the unbelievable growth of the lush green ground cover. It always seems like it comes over night.This year it came while I was out of town. So here are the fall colors of the Central Valley. Hope you're enjoying your hometown, no matter what this season brings you.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

WasThe Honeymoon Over So Soon?

Well, Grolly survived the first separation of any length since out melding in late July. Polly went to Oregon and Washington to experience fall, and Gram held down the fort and entertained some guests. Polly, Phillip and Abby set off on Oct. 14 for the Mena home. After a little skidding on I-5 right past the Oregon border, they arrived under cover of darkness.

Here the car, Dusty, is held securely in place on the runaway truck ramp after hitting black ice. If you're ever in Ashlan, we highly recommend Allstar 24-Hour Towing.

The next morning the Pacific Northwest came through, putting on a brilliant display of color. I think it was one of the best falls I've seen there, and I got to enjoy it fully -- including a trip down the Columbia on a paddle-wheel steamer.

Meanwhile, back on the ranch, Gram was entertaining Gale. When Gale needed to return to Sonora, Gram hosted Beth and the Boys on their Valley Tour. It was workie-time on Rocky Hill, with Gram much appreciative of all Tina, George, Gale and Beth were able to accomplish to make her life more comfortable.

Polly got back on the 27th of October, and the next post may feature the spring-like look that had taken over in Porterville in her absence.

It's so good to see family and friends. The time always passes too quickly, but we take away memories and renewed confidence and energy. Thank you to everyone for standing by us both.